Hammond Solovox – a 1940s Mono Tube Synth

Hammond Solovox – a 1940s Mono Tube Synth
January 22, 2025 Mike Novak
In Combo Organs

Amongst the earliest synthesizers, the Hammond Solovox was originally designed as an add-on to console pianos or organs, providing the user with a variety of lead voices. Similar to the more popular Clavioline, this accompaniment instrument features a small keyboard controller that can be literally bolted onto a piano!

Tube oscillators provide the foundation of the sound, which serves as the “soprano” voice. Through a series of divider networks, the user can shift this fundamental range lower. The tone generator box houses the oscillator circuitry as well as an amplifier, speaker and power supply. The keyboard unit is connected with a thick proprietary cable.


In order to provide a more robust feature set, the Solovox also has a number of on board filters and effects to shape the sound. These include vibrato, VCA onset attack time, deep and full tone as well as selectable frequency range (soprano, contralto, tenor and bass). Volume can be controlled with a knee lever that rests below the keyboard unit. With all these combinations available, the player is able to create convincing organ, reed, woodwind and string style tones.


The model “L”, featured here, was the last iteration of the Solovox, offered between 1948-1950. The design was conceived in the late 30s by founder Laurens Hammond, along with engineers John Hanert and George Stephens. Revolutionary for the time, this helped pave the way for further exploration of synthesis throughout the following decades.

How does it sound? Check it out here alongside one of our custom Wurlitzers in a ripping rendition of the sci-fi classic “Telstar”:

Comments (2)

  1. Matthew Meixner 2 months ago

    Is this for sale?

    • Kellen Boersma 1 month ago

      This one was for a client, but I believe we have another one available for sale. If you are interested please contact info@chicagoelectricpiano.com.

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