Hohner Clavinet D6: “Rebirth” Restoration

Hohner Clavinet D6: “Rebirth” Restoration
October 18, 2015 Max Brink
In Clavinet

An Overview of The Chicago Electric Piano Company’s Clavinet Restoration Service

Hohner Clavinet D6 Logo and Latch

Clavinet CEPCo Brick Logo & Case

Wow! Cosmetically this is THE most mint Clavinet that has ever passed through the workshop! This Hohner Clavinet D6 must have spent most of its life packed up in a safe place. And now after receiving our “Rebirth” services this thing is playing and sounding better than ever! –Scroll down to have a glimpse of the pictures below!

Hohner Clavinet D6 with Legs Full View

Hohner Clavinet Back Full View

This Clavinet was restored with what would fall under our “Rebirth” Clavinet Services with all new hammer tips, strings, electronic servicing, and a complete detailed setup. Through the restoration process each key was removed individually for cleaning and a thorough setup for the proper key travel and an articulate percussive attack. We used our favorite hammer tips and strings from Ken Rich Sound Services, which have proven to be hands-down the top quality of all the Clavinet parts available. This D6 now delivers all the percussive attack and tone you want from a Clavinet.

Clavinet Strings and Yarn

Clavinet Strings and Yarn by The Chicago Electric Piano Company

Clavinet Damper Arm

Clavinet Hammer Tips by Ken Rich Sound Services

Clavinet Strings and Pickups

The D6’s amplifier is notoriously noisy and we service all our amps to reduce this noise without interfering with the classic tone that we all know and love about the D6. Then an enclosure of copper shielding is formed around the amplifier that helps reduce any interference noise picked up by the amplifier. From our experience many of the hiss reduction techniques suggested on youtube videos, forums, and sold as “Hiss Reduction Kits” suggest implementing techniques that negatively affect the tone of the amplifier. That is because these techniques use low pass filtering techniques that overly impacts the tone of the amp. These filtering techniques are not necessary with the right knowledge of how the D6 amplifier is supposed to be setup.

Clavinet D6 Copper Amplifier Shielding

Clavinet D6 Amplifier Shielding and Low Noise Hiss Reduction

These days there aren’t too many Clavinets that still have their original legs and latches. And the wood and tolex were also in immaculate shape. It was a pleasure to come across this instrument and it sold on our waiting list before we even had a chance to list it for sale.

If are looking for a fully restored Clavinet please contact max@chicagoelectricpiano.com and we will help you track down a Clavinet to meet your budget. All instruments are appraised based on the model, cosmetic condition, and their overall condition.

Clavinet Case and Legs

Clavinet D6 Back Logo and Wood Top

Clavinet D6 Top View

Clavinet D6 Control Panel

Clavinet d6 Faceplate Logo

Hohner Clavinet Control Panel

Clavinet D6 Faceplate Closeup

Clavinet Damper Arm Adjustment

Clavinet Damper Arm

Hohner Clavinet D6 Pickup and Damper

Clavinet d6 Keys Closeup


Hohner Clavinet D6 at Chicago Electric Piano

Hohner Clavinet D6 Back View Lid Open

Hohner Clavinet Logo Closeup

If are looking for a fully restored Clavinet please contact max@electricpiano.xyz and we will help you track down a Clavinet to meet your budgetAll instruments are appraised based on the model, cosmetic condition, and their overall condition.


Comments (9)

  1. Ed lowen 9 years ago

    Can you tell the exact year from the serial # ?

    • mbrink 9 years ago

      Not as far as I know. There are some benchmarks for “early/late” based on the electronics configurations if you can send me pictures of your amplifier and pickups.

  2. Mike 9 years ago

    Broke 3 key on my d6 do you sell. Key c c# d d# e e#

    • mbrink 9 years ago

      Yes. We have keys in stock. Shoot us an email.

  3. KENT COOPER 9 years ago

    Good Afternoon – Wondering if you guys may have a used “Hohner D6 Clavinet SLIDE LATCH lay D6 laying around? My D6 is complete with the exception of a damaged slide latch. Please let me know if so and price.

    • mbrink 9 years ago

      Sorry, but we don’t have any at the moment. We normally replace the sliding latches with vox style latches that were used on the early Rhodes pianos (pre 1974). They are similar to what was used on the Clavinet E7 and have enough of a vintage vibe to look good on the D6.

  4. Roger Guttromson 8 years ago

    Plz advise if you have any D6 on hand with the Lachey Doley “Whammey” & if so, complete description, age, condition, pricing, etc.. And if not, any that you’re able to convert.

    If not, where in the US I may get one. I live in Mpls MN & can drive to see it.

    • mbrink 8 years ago

      Please email max@electricpiano.xyz for estimates and quotes. Max also makes routine visits to MPLS a few times a year.

  5. John 4 years ago

    Hello max, can you tell me what the large metal plate on the under side does. I imagine it’s for sound resonance. Can it be removed for weight control…?

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