Custom Shop: The Navy Blue Rhodes Suitcase

Custom Shop: The Navy Blue Rhodes Suitcase
November 11, 2014 Max Brink
In Custom Shop, Rhodes

Here’s a look at the latest Rhodes from our Custom Shop: The a Navy and Tan Suitcase from 1976.

2014-10-09 11.23.26

The 1972-1975 period is something that I consider the best era of Rhodes production but 1976 pianos have really grown on me over the course of the past year. Although it takes a little more labor to regulate their action properly the feel and tone of the early 1976 pianos is just as solid as ’74-75 pianos. This is especially true in early 1976 when the neoprene rubber hammer tips used were still the cubed tips that were used in the true Fender Rhodes period of production.

My mother raised me not to wear navy with black but sometimes rules are meant to be broken. And the blue strands in the tan grill cloth really ties the entire look together!

2014-10-09 11.18.01

2014-10-09 11.19.04

2014-10-09 11.19.42

2014-10-09 11.20.56

2014-10-09 11.21.22

2014-10-09 11.24.29

2014-10-09 11.23.26

Comments (2)

  1. Tyrone Jackson 10 years ago

    What is the style and color of grill cloth here and where can I get it?

    • mbrink 10 years ago

      I believe that it was from and although it claims to be “black and tan” the black is much closer to a dark blue/gray than black. Turned out great.

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