Vibrating Parts: Geeking Out on the Rhodes Piano

Vibrating Parts: Geeking Out on the Rhodes Piano
December 14, 2013 Max Brink
In Rhodes


Last month our friends at stopped by the warehouse to talk about Harold Rhodes and the piano that he invented. Here’s a quote on digital pianos from the article and you can read the whole Reverb article here.

‘Who the hell would think that a musical instrument would have vibrating components?’ Of course that’s a great idea! I think keyboardists get robbed having all of these pianos that have weighted action being what’s being sought after and then in the end you don’t get anything more than a digital sample being played depending on the velocity that you strike it with. What a bummer! Electric guitar players get an electric guitar, it’s not something that is made to sound like playing a Stratocaster, it is a Stratocaster.”

-Max Brink

Read the full article here.

Comments (2)

  1. Uri Efrat 11 years ago

    Do you sell parts?
    I’m looking for Rhodes suitcase MKI one wood key, pedal sustain with its all system, two speaker legs.
    Thank you

    • mbrink 11 years ago

      We have a small stock of spare parts that we can sell. You can send email max at the contact information listed on our page in order to inquire about ordering.

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