For Sale: Wurlitzer 206A Restored to Order

For Sale: Wurlitzer 206A Restored to Order
October 25, 2015 Max Brink
In Custom Shop, Wurlitzer

ROTATED 206A Photo

Here comes another set of Wurlitzer student models through our workshop for restoration! We recently acquired a full classroom set of Wurlitzer 206A pianos from a local music school that no longer had room for the electro-mechanical instruments. If you are not familiar with the model 206A it is an identical instrument to the 200A with a larger speaker bass. They are ideal models for recording studios or they can be easily converted to 200A specifications with reproduction legs and sustain pedals.

For a complete list of our inventory of pianos currently being restored click here.


2014-12-02 15.01.25

2014-12-02 15.01.17


We understand that the tan or beige finish doesn’t immediately seem very rock and roll but in fact these pianos look great under colorful stage lighting. They are also ideal candidates for custom cosmetics and we have used 206A for the custom White Wilco Loft Wurlitzer and Kesha’s Psychedlic Wurlitzer.


2014-06-17 10.48.18

Base Price: $Call for Quote

Base Price Includes:

  • Complete Key Bed Leveling Including Setting Black Key Height
  • Regulation of Key Travel Distance
  • Replaced Fly Springs and Fly Felts in Action Assembly
  • Complete Regulation of the Action Assembly
  • Re-cap of the Amplifier Electrolytic Capacitors
  • 200A style vibrato is installed (unless otherwise requested)
  • Low Noise Preamp Transistors and Output Amp Transistors
  • Complete Tuning and Voicing Setup

Common Upgrades: (Contact for Quote)

  • Warneck Research EP200A Amplifier
  • Speaker Upgrades (Alnico is common upgrade for warmth in mids and bass)
  • Custom Cosmetics (painted lid/tolex & grill cloth)
  • Conversion to 200A “Chop”

If you check back in frequently with our blog then you may find these pianos familiar from a previous posting following our first round of service with the pianos. We kept these pianos in great tuning and regulation for the past several years so we can say with confidence that they are ideal candidates for restoration. You can see their debut post here.

Comments (4)

  1. Phil Huss 8 years ago

    Hi! Just a quick question: what is a beige 206a worth? I just recently acquired one in “rough around the edges” condition, but overall very playable, and the amplifier works perfectly. Thanks for any info!

    • mbrink 8 years ago

      I’d say between $350-600 on average. I’ve heard of them selling as high as $1,000, but I think that’s not as common of a sale.

  2. Joshua Reed 8 years ago

    Just out of curiosity, how much do each of the upgrades cost? Also, if I were to get a 206A pearl off-white paint, the amp upgrade and better speakers, what would it cost?

    • mbrink 7 years ago

      Please email Max for quotes. Most paint jobs cost $400-700 depending on the finishing process. We use poly-based paints used on guitars as well as auto-grade paints used with motorcycle and car finishes. Flake/sparkle finish cost more than single poly based colors. Warneck Research EP200A amplifiers with VariVibe are very popular and currently retail for $550 (free installation at CEPCo). Speakers vary depending on the model.

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