A Rare Breed Indeed: Rhodes Mark V

A Rare Breed Indeed: Rhodes Mark V
February 13, 2013 Max Brink
In Rhodes

The Rebirth of a Rhodes Mark V

Mark V

Following a few other prototype models after the Rhodes Mark II production ended in 1982, Rhodes re-engineered the Mark V and introduced it in 1984. The model was marketed as the finest Rhodes ever built and in many ways it was. The improvements include a much more dynamic throw of the hammer arm by decreasing the surface area of the key’s pedestal and dramatically redesigning the external housing of the instrument which greatly reduced the weight.

Like all of our other rebirth jobs, this one began from scratch with a complete rebuild of the key bed. This is the only way to produce the dynamic action that most players have never experienced on a Rhodes piano.

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…From there we can level the entire key bed, and adjust each individual key for the proper key dip and the proper height of the black keys.

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…And as always we promise that it sounds just as great as it looks and feels!

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Mark V_2

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This beauty is on its way back to it’s home at Victorian Recording in Barrington, IL. –Hopefully we’ll be hearing from it again soon! 

Comments (5)

  1. Eric T Peterson 9 years ago

    Chick Corea called the Mark V the “best Rhodes ever build.” They just don’t make ’em anymore.

  2. Tony Chirillo 9 years ago

    I just purchased a Rhodes mark V stage 73 and one of the keys doesn’t work due to the thin metal piece (Tine?) being broke off. Other than that it sounds fantastic (My 15 yo plays). Is this worth fixing or should I bring it back to the person that sold it to me and get my $200 back? It is missing the cover I believe it used to have.

    • Eric T. Peterson 8 years ago

      I would. That’s a RARE classic model you have. That’s a steal if he sold it to you for $200. I’ve seen the mark 1& 2’s going for $500 up to as much as $3-5k; depending on condition. Just make sure you find somebody ‘reputable’ to work on it.

  3. Fred M. 4 years ago

    I love my legless Mark V, with all its second hand Mojo. I love the tone through my ’73 Fender Pro Reverb. I bought a VintageVibe pedals as it lacked that also when I purchased it. I would like to get an original pedal which had more heft.

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