Max Brink
Live From The Chicago Electric Piano Co.: Spare Parts
Read moreFriends of the workshop Spare Parts, a Chicago rooted fusion trio, stopped by to film a live performance in the…
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Max Brink
A Rare Breed Indeed: The Wurlitzer 214A
Read moreForgive us for the shameless self promotion but we are currently selling one of our favorite Wurlitzers that has come…
Max Brink
Custom Shop: Wilco’s White Wurlitzer
Read moreHere’s a glimpse of Wilco’s new Wurlitzer 206A from our Custom Shop. Hopefully we will be hearing from this beauty…
Max Brink
What is the difference between a Wurlitzer 200 and 200A?
Read moreIs my Wurlitzer a 200 or a 200A? The Wurlitzer 200 and 200A are two of the most common Wurlitzer…
Max Brink
Choosing the Best Amplifier for a Rhodes or Wurlitzer
Read moreThere are many opinions floating around on the best way to amplify an electric piano. Most of which can inevitably be summed…
Max Brink
The Amtrak Rhodes and The Boeing Lounge Piano
Read moreWe received a lot of interesting input from the post that shared our first time being introduced to the Amtrak Rhodes piano but we…
Posts tagged with ‘Wurlitzer’
The Chicago Electric Piano Co. > Wurlitzer